In the east, kuzu, a member of the legume family, has enjoyed an excellent reputation and has been part of he cuisine of China and Japan for than 2000 years. The starch that makes kuzu an outstanding jelling and thickening agent in cooking is partly responsible for its medical action. Some of Kuzu’s complex starch molecules enter the intestines and relieve the discomfort by over acidicity, bacterial infection and in the case of diarrhea, excess water. In many cases of abdomonial aching and intestinal irritation, a cup of kuzu tea brings quick relief, particularlyor children who do not like the taste of over the counter stomache medications. It is to superior to anyting sold over the counter, like immodium, ect. with out any side effects.
According to SUbhuti Dharmanada Phd, Institute for Traditional Medicine in Portland Oregon, Kuzu contains a very high concentration of flavonoids, which are responsible for its stron medicinal effects on the digestive track and circulatory systems.

For acute conditions use one heaping teaspon of kuzu in Kuchicha twig tea. This a tradtional macobiotic recipe, but you can use any type of herbal tea. Kuzu can be ordered online but can also me purchased at your local whole foods or heath food stores. Peace

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