In the world we live in, we all could use a little liver detox. There is no getting away from the toxins that people use (even if you don’t) on a daily basis.
• Constipation/bloating/digestive problems
• Bad breath
• Skin problems: Since the liver is overwhelmed with toxins, the skin (detox organ) helps to take over. Eczema, acne, blemishes, rashes
• Weight loss or unable to gain weight or excessive weight gain
• Irritable/anger/rage: all connected emotions in TCM
• Brain fog/ poor concentration/ poor memory
• Depression/mood disorders/bi-polar
• Estrogen dominance/hormone problems/PMS
• Slow metabolism
• Allergies/ sensitive to everything (chemicals/pollens/foods)—hmm..sounds familiar!
• Hypoglycemia
• Excess gas
• Coated tongue
• Poor protein absorption
• Galbladder problems/gallstones
• Chronic fatigue
• High cholesterol and blood pressure
• Frequent colds/ excess mucus/ low immune system
• Fatty liver
• Worsening eye site
• Itching–I can relate to this one.
First lets address if you can use a little liver detox- shall we?
• The liver preforms 500+ functions known in the body!
• Carbohydrate metabolism: converts carbs to glucose to be used as energy throughout the body and brain.
• Create (synthesize) amino acids to build proteins with as well as protein metabolism.
• Secretes bile and bile salts needed to for fat digestion and proper enzyme secretion to break down all foods in the stomach.
• Metabolize and change toxins so they can be excreted by the body (makes toxins into something less toxic in the body)- DETOX mechanism.
• Contains special blood cells (Kupffer’s Cells) to kill bacteria and antigens.
• Keeps blood glucose in balance.
• liver cells (hepatocytes) break down fatty acids which then generates ATP
• Synthesizes cholesterol and triglycerides within cells
• Coverts ammonia (left over from too many amino acids) into urea– which can then excreted by the urine. (Ammonia is much more toxic then urea)
• Ability to change and process hormones (thyroid convert T4 into active T3, estrogen, and aldosterone).
• Detoxes drugs, medications, pesticides, dangerous vaccine components, and environmental toxins (we breath, bath, and put on our skin).
• Stores and releases (when needed) these vitamins: glycogen, vitamin A, D, E, K (fat soluble), vitamin b-12, copper and iron.
• Along with the skin and kidneys, the liver forms active vitamin D for the body to use.
• Detoxes and filters everything that comes in the intestines and all your blood (only organ that can do this).
After the liver “deals” with the toxins where do they go?
The liver is able to metabolize or change many toxins so they can be eliminated from the body. Some of them are shunted into the blood stream and then removed by the kidneys. Others move to the bile, which is the secretion of the liver. Bile flows to the gall bladder for storage and perhaps more transformation, and then the bile flows into the small intestine and hopefully the toxins are eliminated in the feces. While this is very brief, it is the basic structure and functional set up of the liver.- Dr. Wilson
To learn how to keep your liver healthy with nutrition read here.
Second, we have to cover the fact that having normal bowel moments each day is healthy and you NEED to do this. Having regularity allows the body to get rid of all the toxins you eat and are exposed to. Without expelling your waste, the toxins can get stuck in the colon and reabsorbed back into the blood stream. This only will make you more toxic, putting a heavy burden on your liver to filter more.
Our goal is to help the liver detox so the body can start functioning better. There are many things that can stop a body from going regularly to the bathroom. You know if its a problem with your body. Here are my suggestions:
Dr. Wilson writes a good article about constipation here. <–love his articles
• Diet:
• Exercise: Getting the lymph moving on a rebounder is important for moving digestion along as well as detoxing the body.
• Minerals/water: Make sure the water you drink is hydrating your cells (RO does not do this) and has correct mineral balances. Too much or too little water can be harmful too. Celtic sea salt is very helpful!
• Magnesium baths/supplements: Magnesium is helpful in rebuilding the bodies stores as well as hydrating the colon. Be careful with magnesium supplements as they can dehydrate the body and cause loose stools. I would favor magnesium baths and let the mineral soak in through the skin.
• Toxicity: When the body is toxic in heavy metals or the mineral ratios are off, constipation can follow.
• Probiotics/fermented foods: The poo is full of bacteria. Probiotics help keep the colon full of friendly bacteria. A healthier gut means you digest food easier and eliminate better.
• Herbs: (rhubarb root, senna leaf, or Cascara Sagrada bark). These herbs are mild laxatives but it is not good to rely on these long term.
• water enema: This can be done to help relive constipation but also to clean the colon before you do a coffee enema. A pinch of sea salt can be added fore extra minerals
• Bile: It is important to have sufficient bile flow for a clean colon. If you liver is sluggish/toxic, your diet is too low fat, or you are constipated then I would suggest looking into ox bile supplements.
**Keep this in mind: Dr. Gerson says : “Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver.”
Before I get into the nitty gritty details let me explain what a coffee enema really is. A coffee enema is special because it does not just detox the colon, but the liver too! The colon and the liver are connected (I explain how below in “how does it (exactly) work to detox?”)
Technically, the coffee enema is a coffee implant and a retention enema. This means that one implants or applies the coffee herb into the colon, and the procedure is to retain the coffee mixture for 15-20 minutes. A coffee enema is an ancient herbal hydrotherapy procedure. It consists of filling an enema bag or bucket with a mixture of about 2 to 4 cups of filtered or distilled water, and ¼ to 2 tablespoons of coffee that has been boiled or percolated for up to 12 minutes or so. One filters the coffee grounds before putting the liquid in the enema bag. One then places this mixture in the colon and retains it for about 15 minutes. At this time, the liquid is expelled into the toilet. -Dr wilson
Yeah so you basically are sticking coffee up your colon. This may seem harsh and gross to many, but actually it has been used for many years and has been proven to be one of the most therapeutic liver detoxifiers. The Gerson Institute heals cancer patients and you are actually required to do coffee enemas as part of your treatment. Its that powerful.
The worst part if getting over your “enema fears”. I will help you through those in a section below (“yikes…enema fears”). Water enemas have been used for hundreds and thousands of years and was once well known and accepted as a way to rid the body of illness and toxins. Don’t let society rumors stop you from this amazing therapy–I sure don’t.
You are probably wondering how the coffee gets into your liver!? I wondered this too at first and decided to find out why. Here is what I found.
The very last part of the colon, before reaching the rectum, is in an “S” shape and called the sigmoid colon. By the time stool gets to this part of the colon, most nutrients have been absorbed back into the bloodstream. Because the stool contains products of putrefaction at this point, there exists a special circulatory system between the sigmoid colon and the liver. There is a direct communication of veins called the enterohepatic circulation. This circulatory system enables toxin to be sent directly to the liver for detoxification, rather than circulating them through the rest of the body and all of its vital organs including the brain. This system of veins carries rectal / sigmoid toxins directly to the liver for detoxification. When a coffee enema is used, the caffeine from the coffee is preferentially absorbed into this system and goes directly to the liver where it becomes a very strong detoxicant. It causes the liver to produce more bile (which contains processed toxins) and moves bile out toward the small intestine for elimination. This seems to free up the liver to process more incoming toxic materials that have accumulated in the organs, tissues and bloodstream. The coffee contains some alkaloids that also stimulate the production of glutathione-S-transferase, an enzyme used by the liver to make the detox pathways run. It is pivotal in the formation of more glutathione, one of the main conjugation chemicals, enabling toxins to be eliminated via bile into the small intestine. So in other words, a coffee enema speeds up the detoxification process and minimizes the backlog of yet to be detoxified substances.
Here is what this handy article has to say about our bile:
• Coffee enemas prevents the resorption of bile and the toxins contained in expelled bile.
• The body recycles bile up to 10 times, reabsorbing bile and bile salts through the intestinal walls. It is one of the ways the body conserves its resources.
• Bile carries toxins out of the liver through the gallbladder. Because bile is reused, a large portion of the toxins tends to be reabsorbed along with the bile.
• Choloretic (bile flow stimulating) herbs like dandelion, milk thistle and Oregon grape can help increase bile flow and benefit fat digestion. HOWEVER, they do NOT keep bile, bile salts, and toxins carried in the bile from re-toxifying your body.
• Just stimulating bile flow with herbs will not quickly detoxify the body. But coffee enema WILL!
• Coffee enema activates and intensifies certain enzyme systems that ensure that around 98% of toxins in released bile will be safely carried out of your body!
• It does not allow the liver to reabsorb toxic bile through the permeable walls of the gut. Therefore, it is the most effective means of utilizing natural enzyme systems of the liver and small intestine to detoxify the blood stream.
If you have the right amount of coffee you will hear your gallbladder “squirt” (or gurgle). Sometimes people don’t hear it squirt- but if you do, that is a good indication you have put enough coffee in. You can always try and add more coffee (1/2 tbsp at a time) to make it release the bile, but monitor other symptoms so you don’t get over stimulated.
If you do end up using too much coffee, I suggest doing a water enema to flush the excess coffee. If the gallbladder is weak or clogged give it a week or 2 to get the “squirt” im talking about. Though mine was more like a rumble feeling.
The intestine has two circulatory systems attached to it. One system supplies the intestines with blood for maintenance of the intestinal tissues. The other system is called the portal system. It is a critical body system that draws all of the absorbed nutrients from the intestines and sends them directly to the liver. In other words, when you eat food, it does not go into the bloodstream, as everyone thinks. Only a tiny part of it does, which is the nutrients that are absorbed in the mouth, esophagus and stomach. All the rest of the nutrients go into the portal system and go to the liver, not the general bloodstream. Here, the nutrients are further processed by the liver before entering the main blood stream. So when coffee is introduced into the colon, it is absorbed directly into the liver through the colon wall. Coffee has a special affinity for the liver, and moving it there from the colon is very different than sending it to the liver by drinking it. When coffee is ingested by mouth, it is digested by the stomach acids, mainly, and most of its herbal medicine properties are destroyed. Coffee taken by mouth is okay as a stimulant, laxative, and perhaps a smooth muscle relaxant. One cup of regular coffee daily is okay for most people, but not highly recommended, and more is harmful.- Dr Wilson
The benefits of coffee enemas may surprise you. It has not only a powerful effect on the liver and colon but the whole body. You will only know how healthy your body can feel after if you try it.
• Cleans out the colon and helps improve function in colon muscles.
• Eliminates parasites: it flushes out old debris and bugs from the colon as well as flushing out the ones you may be killing off with herbs.
• Detoxes the liver and helps repair it.
• Increases glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the liver (aka master detoxifier) by 700%. This enzyme binds with toxins and then the toxins are flushed out through the colon.
• Boosts energy: Allowing the coffee to absorb into the bloodstream directly stimulates the gallbladder to flush out toxins. Toxins are known to decrease oxygen transfer and “clog” up the blood with harmful substances. Allowing the blood and oxygen to flow free and clean in the body gives a person a bit more energy. -don’t let the coffee “sit-inside-of-you too long or the caffeine may give you a buzz (not the kind of energy you want).
• Improves digestion: Giving the liver a boost by detoxing it can help gas, bloating, and digestion issues because it is addressing the liver and gallbladder (produces bile to help digestion) which are both crucial to the digestive process.
• “squirts” the gallbladder: The coffee may stimulate bile flow, which is needed to digest fats and kill harmful bacterias. After a few coffee enemas you may hear a squirt near the middle-right ribcage.
• Mental clarity and mood: A coffee enema increases detoxification which speeds up the duplication of red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen so there ends up being an increase (healthy amount) in the body- and brain! When there is enough oxygen in the brain you will think better. Good bye brain-fog!
• Eases “die off”: When you are detoxing with herbs/sauna/ baths then your body and liver can easily get full of toxins. A coffee enema will not only help your liver function better but it will also keep the toxins from reabsorbing or recirculation and doing more damage. This helps speed up a healing reaction. I also find it works to speed up a cold /flu.
• Reduces toxic load in the body: edema, headache, joint pain, disease, illness are all common symptoms of a “toxic body”.
• Migraines/headache: Usually a sign of blood vessels constricting. My headache cures are magnesium baths and coffee enemas. The coffee helps to dilate blood vessels while removing harmful toxins that can be the cause of the inflammation or headache in the first place.
• Purifies blood: Every 3 minutes, all the blood in the body passes through the liver. This process leaves the blood clean and less toxic.
• Prevents and heals chronic illness: Many times illness arises when the body has too many toxins and tried to cope. Regularly detoxing the liver helps the body function better so it can prevent or help the body heal from an illness.
• makes the body more yang: Dr Wilson explains that your body become yin when you are sick and plagued with toxins. Your should strive to make your body more yang with cooked veggies, saunas, and coffee enemas.
• Clears complexion: Because a coffee enema purifies the blood, more nutrients are available to nourish your skin. In TCM the liver and skin are closely connected so when your liver is overburdened with toxins the skin will show it.
• Tones colon wall: The theophylline in coffee absorbs through the colon wall which dilates the blood vessels & increases blood supply to the colon. Increased blood improves colon muscle tone and health. Toxins that were stuck to the colon wall are now being flushed out so the colon has a chance to work free of toxic “sludge”.
As many may know I will be leading Customized Live cleanses very soon and will post more info soon. Until then, Go clean your colon & live and live a happy life! I swear buy the products on this site especially the Liver Protocol and the Oxy powder product for cleaning the large and small intestines.
Big love, Ami