For anyone looking to learn more about the principles of Raw food, Sprouting, Fermentation, Acid/Alkaline diet and Healing through lifestyle and food- I highly recommend checking out the above link. I have had the pleasure of completing the intensive program at Optimum Health Institute ( another Wigmore’s retreat) in San Diego Ca. I also plan on doing a further training/ cleanse at the Puerto Rico location in the spring for my 41st birthday. The retreat in April will be held on the island of Vieques Puerto Rico, however most other retreats are held at the Aquada location on the main island of Puerto rico. There is limited space for the one in April so check into sooner than later on the website. The prices will go up dramatically after Feb 2010, so it is best to prepay now and get the old pricing and they will allow you to book it at the lower price for a future date.
Location and Accommodations:
Located on the beautiful western shore of tropical Puerto Rico, the ocean is just 50 yards from the property. The school is a lush and lovely environment for balancing the body, mind and spirit. You will feel the dramatic difference that the Living Foods Lifestyle can make for your body as you awaken to fuller self awareness. The warm family atmosphere and caring staff provide and practical, hands on learning experience. The program empowers you to take the lifestyle home and continue your growth and self healing. The institute is a non profit center founded in 1990 by the late Dr. Ann Wigmore. The core staff worked closely with her and carried forth her teachings with enthusiasm, dedication and integrity. I personally encourage everyone to at least research the center and see if it strikes a cord anywhere inside of you. It did for me and I have such gratitude for the gifts and knowledge I received at my time there. Adios Mi amores