BEST FRIENDS When Traveling : #detoxdiva Approved Travel Kit!
Arsenic alb 30C ( Food poisoning) Nux vomica 30C, (indigestion) Belladonna 30c ( Any pain/fever) and Arnica 30C( bumps/bruises/injuries) Hepar sulph 30C (coughs with loose phlegm) ,
Ledum pal 30C (bug bites/puncture wounds/rashes)
For Travel and Anxiety when Traveling:
Nat mur 30C – a dose anytime after you read this email 2-4 pills as a dose and 1-4 more doses can be taken spread out over the course of the day.
Ignatia 30C- 1-3 doses in acute emotional situations
Gels 30C as a preventative before big events/presentations/travel/events
Aconite 200C- 1-max 3 doses in acute anxiety/panic situations if they arise inspite of having taken the Gelsemium or come out of nowhere.
Any of these can be purchased online or at any health food store. Some of you may know that I live part of the year on a tiny, remote island in the middle of the Caribbean and this is my LIFE SAVING medical kit. Empower yourself my utilizing these Homeopathic Remedies instead of using conventional medicines and you will find there work faster, more effectively and cause no harm!
Big Love, Ami