After years of being out of the custom fragrance and aromatherapy world, my old company called BODYWARES, was a staple of West Hartford Center for years. With an extremely loyal fan base, people were shocked and sadden when after 10 years I decided to shut down my retail space and go deeper into my education, healing, spirituality and closed the doors. But I am very pleased to announce that I will be going back to my roots and getting back into my custom perfume oils and blending under the name Divine Nectar Pure Perfumes. I will be bringing back many of my most popular blends….RAIN, KENYA, OSHANDI, ANGEL WINGS and others—-while coming up with new and exotic fragrances. The website is, so stay tuned for more details..
As a side note, I am n the process of creating a new line of RAW ICE CREMES, that are dairy free, sugar, free, soy free, and as pure and guilt free as a food could be. Initially the ice-cremes will be exclusively available at ION in Middletown, (“IT’S ONLY NATURAL”) but base on the response I believe it won’t be be long before they will available in your local whole foods. Bye for now mi amors. xo