
Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte

This pumpkin latte is creamy, smooth, and full of aromatic spice. It’s the taste of fall flavors with pumpkin, cinnamon and warming spices like ginger. When the cool autumn air begins to set in what could be more comforting than a warm spiced latte? And what says autumn better than pumpkin?? Sipping on this pumpkin spiced latte takes me back to the days we’d sit around the fireplace as kids all warm and cozy drinking our hot chocolate. It’s such a comforting and cozy drink to cheer you up on a dreary day. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

I don’t know about you, but I go crazy for pumpkin! I use it in everything from Raw pies to pancakes and anything else I can imagine it in. Not to mention it has amazing health benefits, especially for us fibromyalgia warriors. The nutrients found in pumpkin help prevent and improve conditions from cancer, inflammation and kidney stones to depression and skin problems.

This is a food to really be enjoying more often…oh and don’t throw out the seeds. You can wash and dry them then either plant them or put them in a dehydrator/oven and eat them as a snack. The seeds are loaded with magnesium a mineral most often lacking in those with fibromyalgia.

Pumpkin contains vitamin B5 which helps manage stress and equalize hormones. It’s full of fiber which is so important for healthy digestion and colon health. I know for me, when I was suffering with fibromyalgia I had the worst digestion. That all changed for me when I started adding so much fruit and vegetables into my diet with all the fiber.

Servings 1


1 1/2 cup Coconut milk

1/4 cup chopped pumpkin, from a sugar pumpkin (if you choose to use canned just make sure it’s organic & BPA-free)

1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/2 tsp pumpkin spice

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground ginger (or fresh ginger root)

3 medjool dates, pitted (use more if you want it sweeter)

Set aside 1/3 cup of coconut milk in a tall glass (which will be used to create the froth). Blend all the other ingredients in a Vitamix or other high-speed blender for about 2 minutes this is what makes it nice and warm. To create a foamy base, use a blending foaming wand to whip the rest of the coconut milk with a foaming wand until frothy, then add to the pumpkin latte. Sprinkle cinnamon on top and enjoy!

NOTE: If you don’t have a high-speed blender to warm the latte you can heat it in a small pot on low just enough to warm it. To maintain all the enzymes keeping it “raw” you can use a cooking thermometer to make sure it doesn’t go bast 105 degrees.

Big Love, Detox Diva



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